The Senaptec Strobe Library
Check out the free strobe library within our Sports Vision Pros Academy Page. Click here.
You will receive free access to videos on how we incorporate Senaptec Strobes into various training techniques. All you have to do is sign up and you have access. Enjoy learning about the leaders in the field of stroboscopic training.
We are the exclusive host of the RightEye Training Film Room at our Sport Vision Academy.
Check it out here
"Seeing More than 20/20"
Even if you're seeing 20/20, you have room for improvement.
Many athletes see "better than 20/20." Most see 20/15 or better, and MLB players have an average visual acuity of about 20/13. If you are seeing 20/20, then you have room for improvement. However, visual acuity is only one component of how vision impacts performance.
Sports Vision Pros (SVP) is building a community to improve all aspects of visual health, safety, and performance. We invite you to join that community and discover how you can improve visual performance.